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PSD2 review: priorities for completing the single retail payment area

Day 2 Morning

Thursday 27 April

Room :



Ondřej Kovařík
MEP - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
Public Authorities
Carlos Cuerpo Caballero
Secretary General of the Treasury and International Financing - Ministry of Economy and Digitalization, Spain
Nils Friberg
Deputy Director - Ministry of Finance, Sweden
Industry Representatives
Megan Bramlette
Director NA and EU Payment Acceptance - Services LLC
Juan Orti
Country Manager Spain & Head of International Card Services Spain and Benelux - American Express
Joachim Schmalzl
Executive Member of the Board - Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV)
Other stakeholder & expert
Agustin Reyna
Director, Legal and Economic Affairs - The European Consumers’ Organisation (BEUC)


Many now focus on working out of the so-called open banking, whose promises are attractive. However, in addition to a possible open banking ambition, a full and optimal contribution of PSD2 in terms of levels of innovation, competitiveness, economic efficiency, level playing field and security, in the area of payments and payment accounts alone, requires additional policy work.

To this end, the session will first focus on taking stock of what has effectively been achieved including on the area of the structural evolutions triggered, compared with initial ambitions. The possible improvements of the current framework to fully deliver its original ambitions will also be discussed.

Points of discussion

  1. What were the main


    of the PSD2 and what are the main evolutions it has achieved? What is the actual impact of the directive on the integration of the EU payment land scape? What are the main tools available which enabled these evolutions?

  2. What are the main progress avenues to improve the outcome of the directive and address additional challenges?
  3. What are the main priorities to be addressed on the occasion of the revision of the Payment services directive? What are the main evolutions to be envisaged to achieve fair access of all the players, and deliver cost efficient, secure and reliable payments in the area?