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Priorities for the asset management sector in the next political cycle (product frameworks, fragmentation, distribution rules…)

Day 2 Morning

Thursday 12 September

Room :



Thorsten Pötzsch
Chief Executive Director of Securities Supervision/Asset Management - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany (BaFin)
Public Authorities
Michael J. McGrath
Assistant Secretary, Financial Services Division - Department of Finance, Ireland
Martin Merlin
Director, Banking, Insurance and Financial Crime - Director, Banking, Insurance and Financial Crime
Sandrine Ménard
Deputy to the Head of the Economic, Commercial and Financial - Permanent Representation of France to the EU
Marco Zwick
Director Executive Board - Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
Industry Representatives
Andy Blocker
Global Head of Public Policy - Invesco
Simon Janin
Head of Governance and Public Affairs - Amundi
Patrick Thomson
Chief Executive Officer, EMEA - J.P. Morgan Asset Management


The objective of this session is to discuss the main trends in the European asset management sector, the main opportunities and challenges facing the sector, and the policy priorities for the next European political cycle to further develop and integrate the EU asset management sector and address remaining vulnerabilities.

Points of discussion

  • Main trends, opportunities and challenges: What are the main trends and opportunities in the European asset management sector? What challenges is the sector facing? What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the EU asset management sector? Are there significant financial stability issues remaining to be tackled in the asset management sector? Which elements are most relevant from a policy perspective?
  • Priorities for the next European political cycle: What should be the main policy priorities for the next European political cycle in the asset management sector, beyond implementing the adopted reviews of AIFMD, UCITS and ELTIF? What are the implications for asset management of the proposals made on the future of CMU and the improvement of the EU single market (e.g. Eurogroup statement and ESMA position paper on CMU, the Letta report…)? Are further tools needed to tackle vulnerabilities posed by investment funds? Are further rules needed to support the digitalisation of the asset management sector?