CEE – Is Europe’s growth engine in need of repair or just maintenance?
Time to rethink economic policies
CEE region growth and financing challenges
CEE – Is Europe’s growth engine in need of repair or just maintenance?
Monetary policy in the thunderous 2020s: navigating in a continuously evolving global economy to win the decade
CEE region growth and financing challenges
Detailed summaries of the 40 panel discussions that took place during the Budapest Forum and transcripts of the speeches and exchanges of views.
Regulatory Update
Policy notes drafted by the Eurofi secretariat on macro-economic issues impacting the financial sector, digitalisation trends and policy, the next steps of CMU and banking regulation and sustainability policies and challenges.
Views The EUROFI Magazine
More than 200 contributions from a wide range of public and private sector representatives on the European macro-economic context, the actions needed for relaunching growth, on-going financial regulation initiatives, sustainable finance and digitalization trends and policies.
Detailed summaries of the 40 panel discussions that took place during the Ghent seminar and transcripts of the speeches and exchanges of views.