This session will first discuss the current trends of equity funding and investment in the EU, the implications of the Covid crisis and Brexit for EU equity markets and the supply and demand factors for further developing EU equity markets.
The panel will also assess whether the new CMU action plan together with the proposals made in relation to the MiFID II review are addressing the right priorities for developing EU equity markets and whether any additional measures are needed in the post-Covid context for improving the funding mix of EU businesses.
Points of discussion
- How important is the development of equity financing for the post-Covid recovery in the EU? How are EU equity market dynamics evolving with the Covid crisis and Brexit? What are the main factors to consider on the supply and demand sides and the main issues to address for further developing equity funding in the EU?
- Do the measures proposed in the new CMU action plan together with those considered in the context of the MiFID II review define an appropriate strategy for developing equity financing and investment in the EU? What are the priorities? Are any measures missing? Should policy actions be undertaken at EU or national level to improve the funding mix of companies? Do current European policy initiatives sufficiently take into account the diversity of EU capital markets in terms of stage of maturity and structure of the corporate landscape?