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Digital Finance Strategy: is the EU proposal up to the challenges?

Day 2 Afternoon

Thursday 15 April

Track :



Marcel Haag
Director, Horizontal Policies, DG FISMA - European Commission
Public Authorities
Sébastien Raspiller
Director, French Treasury - Ministry of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery Plan, France
Märten Ross
Deputy Secretary General for Financial Policy and External Relations - Ministry of Finance, Estonia
Harald Waiglein
Director General for Economic Policy, Financial Markets and Customs Duties - Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
Industry Representatives
Isabel Guerreiro
Head of Digital Europe - Grupo Santander
Bjørn Sibbern
President European Markets - Nasdaq


The objective of this session is to provide the audience with an overview of the actions proposed in the DFS and discuss their relevance and next steps.

This session will discuss the state of progress and the prospects of digitalisation in the EU financial sector and whether the Digital Finance Strategy (DFS) proposal sets out the main actions needed for accelerating the digitalisation of the EU financial sector, facilitating the integration of the EU digital financial market and mitigating the risks associated with these evolutions. The panel will first examine the measures proposed for accelerating the digitalisation of the EU financial sector, then those for facilitating its integration.

Points of discussion

  1. What is the state of progress of digitalisation in the EU financial sector? How important its acceleration for the EU financial sector, its customers and for the funding of the EU economy? Does the DFS identify the main drivers for accelerating the digitalisation of the EU financial sector? What are the priorities and are there any missing points in the DFS? What should be the key next steps of the DFS and are they appropriately identified in the time-table of the DFS?
  2. Can the DFS proposals foster significant integration of the EU digital financial market? Do they put forward the appropriate priorities for further developing cross-border financial services in the EU?
  3. Does the DFS identify the main improvements that are needed for enabling consumers to access cross-border digital financial services and helping European financial firms to scale up their digital operations? What can be expected from the development of cross-border supervisory mechanisms for facilitating digital innovation (innovation hubs, sandboxes)?