This session will first discuss the level of efficiency and integration that has been achieved in the EU securities post-trading space so far following the implementation of EU securities regulations and T2S, the progress that can be expected from the on-going reviews of EU securities policies (CSDR, SFD, FCD) and from Eurosystem initiatives and whether further measures are needed in the EU post-trading area to make it fit for supporting the CMU.
Secondly, the panel will assess the potential benefits and challenges that the use of DLT may bring in the securities infrastructure space, the current obstacles to the uptake of DLT for securities transactions and whether the DLT pilot regime proposed by the Commission provides an appropriate response for favouring the uptake of DLT technology in this area.
Points of discussion
- What are the main improvements needed in the CSD regulatory and supervisory framework to support the CMU? What progress can be made with the on-going policy actions (CSDR, SFD, FCD reviews, CMU action plan) and Eurosystem initiatives? What further actions may be needed?
- Does the DLT pilot regime provide an appropriate response for supporting the uptake of DLT-based post-trading infrastructure solutions? What are the opportunities and challenges associated with this regime? Are more safeguards needed?