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How can banks contribute more to the CMU?​

Day 2 Morning

Thursday 24 February

Room :

NORMANDIE (-1 floor)


Denis Beau
First Deputy Governor - Banque de France
Public Authorities
Carlos Cuerpo Caballero
Secretary General of the Treasury and International Financing - Ministry of Economy and Digitalization, Spain
Michel Heijdra
Director International Financial Affairs - Ministry of Finance, The Netherlands
Mahmood Pradhan
Deputy Director, European Department - International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Rolf Strauch
Chief Economist and Member of the Management Board - European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
Industry Representatives
Steve Gandy
Managing Director and Head of Private Debt Mobilisation, Notes & Structuring at Santander Corporate - Santander UK
Bernhard Spalt
Chairman of the Management Board - Erste Group Bank AG