The objective of this session is to assess the main shortcomings of the EU crisis management framework with a particular focus on the banks under the remit of the SSM and the SRB and the necessary actions to address those shortcomings. Speakers will be invited in particular to discuss a possible way forward to improve the situation for smaller and medium sized banks that are already under the remit of the SSM/SRB and which do not satisfy the public interest assessment.
Points of discussion
- What are the necessary changes in the EU crisis management framework (BRRD, SRMR, Banking Communication, DGSD) to improve the consistency and the predictability of the resolution and liquidation of banks under the remit of the SSM? Should the resolution of these banks not be systematically given priority over their liquidation and if so how should the current framework be adapted?
- How to concretely improve the EU resolution and liquidation frameworks for small and medium sized banks which are under the remit of the SSM and the SRB and do not satisfy the public interest test? What should be the main features of a separate harmonised resolution framework for these banks?