Objectives of the roundtable
The session will look at the lessons to be learned from the banking turbulence at the start of the year in terms of regulation and supervision. Speakers will be invited to express their views on whether the lessons and adjustments needed are more a matter for supervision or regulation and on the priorities for achieving responsive, effective and forward-looking macro and micro supervision in all jurisdictions. The session will then focus on areas for further consideration from a regulatory and resolution perspective, revealed by the stresses in the US and Swiss banking sectors.
Points of discussion
- Does the banking turmoil earlier this year have more lessons for supervisors as compared to regulators? What are the priorities for achieving responsive and effective forward-looking macro and micro supervision?
- Are there areas for further consideration revealed by the strains in the US and Swiss banking sectors (e.g. how to reduce rapid contagion effects, CDS transactions involving a single name, global and regional crisis management frameworks, …)?