Objectives of the session
The objective of this session is to discuss the current state of the EU asset management market, the main on-going trends in the sector (such as ESG, digitalisation) and whether these evolutions are appropriately addressed by on-going EU regulatory initiatives (review of asset management frameworks, CMU-related rules and proposals, digital policies…). This session will also tackle pending questions related to the AIFMD and ELTIF reviews concerning the further integration and competitiveness of the EU asset management sector.
Points of discussion
- Current state of the EU asset management market: What is the current state of the EU asset management market and how is it evolving? Has the level of integration and competitiveness of the EU asset management market progressed? What are the main emerging trends in terms of products, distribution, AuM, competitiveness…?
- ESG and digitalisation trends in the EU asset management market: How are ESG trends and sustainable finance impacting the EU asset management market? How is the digitalisation of the asset management sector progressing and what are the impacts for market players and investors? Are new technologies (DLT, AI…) expected to play a key role in the asset management sector going forward?
- Regulatory proposals: Do existing EU capital market and investment fund regulations and on-going reviews of AIFMD, UCITS and ELTIF legislations support the enhancement of the competitiveness and integration of EU asset management markets? What are the remaining pending issues? Will the digital policies proposed (Digital Finance Package, AI Act etc…) foster a further digitalisation of the EU asset management sector and its processes?