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Crypto and stablecoin regulation: what are the next steps?

Crypto and stablecoin regulation: what are the next steps?

Objectives This session will first assess the current trends and expected future evolutions of European and global cryptoasset markets, how interactions are developing with traditional financial players and whether the lessons learned from the recent turmoil in the crypto market in terms of inappropriate business models and governance practices have been taken into account. The … Continued

Improving the clarity and reliability of sustainability framework in the EU financial sector (role of the ESAs, expected improvements from CSRD, SFDR, invest product classification, ratings, CSDD)?

Background and objectives of the session Greenwashing, the deceptive practice of exaggerating environmental efforts, is a growing concern. The EU has introduced regulatory changes to combat this and enhance transparency in ESG ratings, aligning them with the Green Deal. A concerning trend is the misuse of SFDR as a label for financial products, leading to … Continued

DeFi opportunities, challenges and policy implications

Objectives This session will first assess the current trends in the decentralised finance (DeFi) market, the related opportunities associated with DeFi applications and the technology underlying them and also the risks posed by DeFi activities and their interactions with traditional finance. The panel will also discuss the latest thinking about the policy implications of DeFi … Continued

Climate change insurance: addressing financing challenges and moral hazard, respective roles of public/private sectors

Context and objectives of the session Climate change insurance has become essential in the face of increasingly frequent and severe climate-related disasters. Insurers face mounting challenges in accurately pricing premiums and assessing risks due to the unpredictable nature of extreme weather events. Recent floods in Germany, causing 35 billion euros in damages in 2021, illustrate … Continued

Climate and environmental risks in the insurance sector (NGFS stock take, new stress scenarios…)

Objectives of the session The insurance sector grapples with escalating climate and environmental risks. Quantifying these risks and lacking standardized measurement methodologies hinder risk assessment. Regulators emphasize data collection and stress testing to enhance accuracy. Striking a balance between sectoral and company-specific approaches for risk assessment is crucial. Transition planning’s role is under consideration. Climate … Continued

Climate and environmental risks in the banking sector (NGFS stocktake, ?new stress scenarios…)

Context and objectives of the session In the banking sector, climate change is recognized as the foremost existential threat, demanding global cooperation due to its widespread impact. The specific time horizon of climate change necessitates a long-term perspective, while today’s actions will shape the next three decades. Banks, exposed to trillions in carbon-intensive sectors, face … Continued