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Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact: key remaining issues and way forward

Open strategic autonomy and economic security strategy in the financial area: what are the priorities for the next Commission?

Objectives of the roundtable 10 years after the creation of the Banking Union and 7 years after the launch of the first CMU initiative, European banking and capital markets remain fragmented within the EU. On 19 January 2021, the Commission issued a communication which sets out how the EU can reinforce its open strategic autonomy … Continued

Future for the Banking Union and the single market for banking services

Objectives of the roundtable The session will first assess the consequences of not addressing ring fencing policies on financials stability and the competitiveness of banks in Europe. Then, the speakers will be invited to express their views on policy priorities to address the long-lasting home host issues and the conditions to consider transnational banking groups … Continued

Securities post-trading infrastructures: what more to enhance efficiency and resilience? (digitalisation, harmonization of rules, T+1, settlement efficiency…)?

Objectives The first objective of this session is to take stock of the progress that has been made in the EU securities post-trading space in terms of efficiency, integration and resilience and identify the further enhancements that can be expected from the regulatory changes underway and on-going actions at Eurosystem level. Secondly, the panel will … Continued

Securities trading: ?will market structure and transparency improve? ?(expected impacts from the MiFIR review, pending issues)?

Objectives This session focusing on the transparency regime and the market structure measures of the MiFIR review proposal will take stock of the main points of agreement on these measures and discuss issues that remain to be further clarified and addressed for their successful implementation. The panel will also discuss the expected impacts of these … Continued