Speeche by J. Lizarraga
Speech by JP. Serbais: Sustainable, Digital and Non-Bank Finance: IOSCO’s
Is the policy framework in place to support the green transition (operationality of rules, macro context, financing availability, carbon pricing, transition policy…)?
Objectives of the roundtable The objective of this session is to assess the reasons why the pace of investments made for the ecological transition in the countries of the Union is insufficient with regard to the needs identified by the European Union and the Member States despite Europe’s regulatory and financing commitments to the climate … Continued
Capital markets growth in the EU: expected impacts of the CMU action plan and future steps
Objectives This session focusing on the measures needed to foster more growth in EU capital markets, will discuss whether the combined set of measures proposed in the CMU action plans is sufficient to stimulate significant growth of capital markets in the EU, what are the priorities in this regard and what further measures may be … Continued
Enhancing central clearing in the EU: are the priorities being tackled? (EMIR review, margin procyclicality, mandatory accounts, new market trends…) ?
Objectives The objective of this session is to discuss key proposals of the EMIR 3 review aiming to strengthen EU clearing and identify further issues that may need to be addressed in the EU clearing space in future policy work. The first round of discussion will focus on the active account requirements proposed and the … Continued
Global and Solvency II insurance frameworks: risks and competition challenges
Context and objectives of the session The European insurance regulatory framework, Solvency II, is under review as it coincides with the need for significant financing in the transition to low-carbon and digital economies. Policymakers aim to reduce volatility in the framework and allow insurers to invest in the economy without jeopardizing financial stability. Globally, the … Continued
Cyber and digital operational resilience: key factors of success (DORA / NIS 2 implementation, international cyber initiatives)?
Objectives This session will first discuss how the preparation of the Level 2 requirements of DORA is progressing and the key questions remaining to be addressed and clarified in the perspective of the implementation of the regulation. The panel will then assess whether the agreed DORA and NIS2 texts and the amendments to existing financial … Continued
AML: key success factors for an effective breakthrough in the context of a new EU legislation and supervision
Objectives of the session In the context of new EU legislation and supervision, achieving an effective breakthrough in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requires gathering key success factors across various themes. A central pillar of success lies in adopting a risk-based approach and defining the scope of AML Authority (AMLA) supervision appropriately. Since AMLA must efficiently identify … Continued
Unleashing the potential of AI in the financial sector ?(future prospects, AI and data Act impacts, data standards…)?
Objectives This session will first discuss how the uptake of AI is progressing in the financial sector, how use cases are expected to evolve in the medium term with the sophistication of AI technologies and increasing analytical capacity and also the related benefits and challenges for customers and financial institutions of a wider use of … Continued
Accelerating the transition to net-zero: public / private roles, transition plans, global and national consistency;? SME challenges…?
Background and objectives of the session The global shift toward a low-carbon economy to combat climate change demands private capital mobilization for sustainability. Financial activities, including decarbonization, responsible financing, and portfolio greening, are pivotal in this transition. EU regulators have implemented climate-related disclosure rules, sustainability labels, the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities, and green bonds … Continued