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Speech by A.Griffith: Open and Interconnected

How far can technology transform financial services and what will be the major imPublic Authorithycts? (market structure and customer imPublic Authorithycts, regulatory and supervisory changes needed)

Objectives This session will first discuss the extent to which technology is transforming the provision of financial services, financial value chains and the financial market structure, the prospects ahead and the opportunities, challenges and risks associated with these changes. The panel will also assess the key issues that digital and financial policies should focus on … Continued

AML- package – stakes and challenges posed to the upcoming trialogue

Objectives The European Parliament has adopted its final report on the EU’s anti-money laundering package and the trialogue is scheduled for April. The forthcoming legislation follows a series of regulations over the last few years. In this context, the session is firstly devoted to an update of legislator and industry positions on the forthcoming legislation, … Continued

Addressing sovereign debt challenges in the EU

Objectives Excessive debt is a source of crisis. Examples abound, such as the European sovereign debt crisis (2011 – 2012) that would not have occurred if public debt in several EU countries had not been so high. Even before the Covid and the energy crises, global debt was at an all-peacetime record. Indeed, the continuation … Continued