Speech by JM. Campa: Environmental risks and the role of banking regulation
How far can technology transform financial services and what will be the major imPublic Authorithycts? (market structure and customer imPublic Authorithycts, regulatory and supervisory changes needed)
Objectives This session will first discuss the extent to which technology is transforming the provision of financial services, financial value chains and the financial market structure, the prospects ahead and the opportunities, challenges and risks associated with these changes. The panel will also assess the key issues that digital and financial policies should focus on … Continued
Opening remarks
Speech by N. Esho
Fighting inflation and addressing low growth in Europe: the way forward for monetary and fiscal policies
Objectives of the roundtable Europe has entered a period of persistent inflation with slow growth although unemployment remains relatively low. This opening session will assess the right policy mix – monetary-fiscal interaction – for coping with persistent high inflation and the reduction of growth in Europe. The panel will first discuss the steps the ECB … Continued
Exchange of views with J. Lemierre (BNP Paribas)
Speech by F. Villeroy de Galhau
Normalizing monetary policy: way forward
Objectives of the roundtable Inflation, although falling, remains well above the 2% target: euro area headline inflation was 5.3% in July 2023, down from 6.1% in May, while core inflation remained unchanged at 5.5%. The inflation process has become more persistent. According to the ECB, “we will face several years of rising nominal wages, with … Continued
Bank diversity in Europe: consolidation and/or preservation?
Objectives of the roundtable During the last sessions organised by Eurofi on the diversity of business models, a consensus was reached between industry and public policy makers that: The variety of banking business models, provided they are viable and sustainable (i.e. profitable and resilient), is an asset to ensure financial stability in Europe and to … Continued
Financial stability: are risks under control? (strains from indebtedness and inflation, weakest links in the financial sector, non-bank finance)?
Objectives of the roundtable The session will discuss the financial stability impacts of the economic environment – characterized by persistent high inflation, low growth, very high levels of public, private debt and asset valuation in many countries and increased nominal interest rates – on the financial industry. The panel will also focus on the main … Continued