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Bank diversity: contribution to EU financing needs, challenges and way forward

Addressing fund liquidity issues: what more may be needed?

Objectives This session will first discuss the main sources of liquidity risk associated with Money Market Funds (MMFs), the measures that have been proposed by the EU and international authorities for enhancing the resilience of MMFs, the main issues that would need to be tackled in a future review of the EU MMF regulation and … Continued

Retail Investment Strategy: are we tackling the main issues?

Objectives This session will discuss the main options currently being considered in the preparation of the EU Retail Investment Strategy and identify the key priorities that this initiative should focus on, taking into account the potential benefits and unintended consequences for the different stakeholders concerned. The first part of the discussion will focus on the … Continued

Basel III implementation: global consistency challenges

Objectives The EU Parliament, the European Council and the EU Commission are progressively converging on the legislations known as CRD6/CRR3, that will implement the final Basel 3 framework in the EU. The challenge for the policy makers is to combine the positives of the international banking standards and a reasonable level of regulatory capital. In … Continued

Are European investment product frameworks adapted to investor needs?

Objectives This session will first discuss the current trends in the European investment product market, whether the main investment needs are appropriately covered with the existing EU and domestic product categories (including UCITS, AIFMD, ELTIF, PEPP…) and the improvements that can be expected from the amendments to the fund frameworks due to be implemented (e.g. … Continued

Enhancing the competitiveness of EU banking activities

Objectives The major European banks have lost their competitiveness and remain generally less profitable and undervalued compared to their global counterparts. The session will first discuss the reasons of this significant gap between large EU banks and their American and Asian peers and the related consequences of such a gap. Then the panel will focus … Continued

Can technology and digitalization significantly enhance securities trading and post-trading efficiency?

Objectives This session will focus on the use and impact of blockchain related technology (including smart contracts, tokenisation…) and artificial intelligence (AI) in securities trading and post-trading processes. The first objective of this session is to take stock of the uptake of these new technologies in securities trading and post-trading processes and of on-going experiments … Continued