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Cross-border payments and global infrastructures: taking stock of the progress made following the FSB roadmap

Cross-border payments and global infrastructures: taking stock of the progress made following the FSB roadmap

Objectives Despite the rapid innovation made possible by the internet and the rapid development of emerging markets, cross-border payments have remained costly, slow, and insufficiently secure. To address these challenges, the Financial Stability Board is coordinating a 19-building block roadmap. In October 2022 the FSB published a prioritisation plan and engagement model for taking the … Continued

MiFIR review: pending issues, and implementation challenges

Objectives This session will take stock of the measures of the MiFIR review on which there is an agreement among co-legislators in the context of the on-going negotiations, identify the main pending questions and the issues remaining to be further clarified for preparing the implementation of the MiFIR review measures. The panel will also discuss … Continued

Digital Euro: use cases and related design implications

Objectives In an ever-increasing internet and electronic transaction context at the global level, improving and further integrating EU payment services necessitates reflecting on the appropriate infrastructures. Swift and multiple current evolutions raise varied challenges in usability and reliability, cost effectiveness, security, privacy, monetary policy, … not mentioning the likely transformations of the payment industry. In … Continued

Priorities for enhancing the EU bank crisis management framework

Objectives The EU framework has been seriously reinforced over the last decade, in particular for large banks, but there remains room for improvement and harmonisation to reach a crisis management framework effective for all types of banks, including small and medium-sized ones. The variety of approaches followed by national authorities notably in the management of … Continued