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Transition of financial activities towards net zero in the global context

Transition of financial activities towards net zero in the global context

Objectives The EU Commission has launched varied workstreams that support the European green deal aim of channelling private investment towards the transition to a climate-neutral economy. In addition to the approaches to improve sustainability risk measurement, management, and mitigation, the concrete outcomes are mainly ambitious disclosure regulations and standards. They all aim at easing the … Continued

Inflation and monetary policy: way forward

Objectives Inflation remains persistent and high, well above the 2% target. In March 2023, the euro area harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) stood at 6.9 per cent while core inflation continued to increase. Wage pressures have strengthened—in the fourth quarter of 2022, hourly labour costs rose by 5.7% in the euro area and by … Continued

Priorities for converging globally on sustainability reporting standards

Objectives The goal of sustainable reporting standards is to provide ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) transparency of financial products and of corporates. The development of sustainable transparency is not at the same stage in the most important financial markets. The European Union develops an ambitious regulatory framework (SFDR, CSRD, taxonomy), based on the double materiality principle … Continued

PSD2 review: priorities for completing the single retail payment area

Objectives Many now focus on working out of the so-called open banking, whose promises are attractive. However, in addition to a possible open banking ambition, a full and optimal contribution of PSD2 in terms of levels of innovation, competitiveness, economic efficiency, level playing field and security, in the area of payments and payment accounts alone, … Continued

Open finance: level of ambition and policy implications

Objectives This session will first discuss the main use cases of open finance in different areas of finance (banking, insurance, capital markets, pensions…), the expected benefits for customers and the opportunities for financial players, the challenges to overcome (e.g. in terms of standardisation, consumer protection, level playing field….) and also the possible risks posed by … Continued