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Sustainability risks in the banking sector

Sustainability risks in the banking sector

Objectives SSM stress tests show that though banks have low exposures to flood-risk areas, some sectors are strongly impacted by a drought and heat scenario. An increase of impairments is also expected by the short-term disorderly transition scenario. This increase stem from the highest polluting sectors stroke by a steep increase in carbon prices or … Continued

Digitalisation of EU financial services: are EU digital regulation and supervision up to the opportunities and challenges?

Objectives The objective of this session is to provide the audience with an overview of digitalisation trends in finance and of their policy implications. This session will first discuss the main on-going trends in terms of digitalisation in the financial sector, the expected future developments and the related opportunities and challenges for financial market players … Continued

Digital operational resilience and business continuity: can it be ensured throughout the financial value chain?

Objectives This session will first discuss the extent of digital operational resilience and cyber risks in the financial sector and how they are evolving with on-going changes in financial value chains (e.g. with increasing digitalisation and outsourcing to tech providers) and external events (e.g. geopolitical risks). The panel will then assess whether the agreed DORA … Continued

ESG issues in the asset management area

Objectives The development of market tools like labels and ESG ratings and also of a specific EU regulation on ESG transparency should help to ensure ESG transparency in the asset-management sector. But ESG labels and ESG rating agencies have been criticised for not being green enough and/or for not being transparent enough. The implementation of … Continued

Avoiding greenwashing in the financial sector: impact of recent regulations and ways forward

Objectives There have been recently some clear cases of greenwashing in the financial sector inside and outside the EU. In the EU this has taken place despite the progressive implementation of the EU regulation about ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) or sustainable transparency (SFDR, CSRD, taxonomy). There have been also many greenwashing controversies in the EU … Continued

Can crypto and DeFi technologies significantly transform financial services?

Objectives This session will assess the current use cases of crypto and DeFi technologies (blockchain, tokenisation, smart contracts…) in the financial services sector, the longer term prospects of the usage of these technologies, and the related benefits, opportunities and challenges. The panel will also discuss the policy implications of the development of these new technologies … Continued

Climate change insurance needs: insurability of risks and related pricing issues, respective roles for the public and insurance sectors…

Objectives Many in the financial industry and policy making sphere, in the perspective of an acceleration of earth warming, are concerned by the physical consequences of extreme weather and climate-related events. The role for the insurance sector is in this context essential for addressing the consequences of the raising risks which mechanically lead to an … Continued