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Speech: The challenges and role for EU capital markets in the context of the green and digital transitions

Sustainability risk in the insurance sector

Objectives It is mainstream that sustainability risk matters. Regulators and supervisors have been developing tools to enable insurers to develop related assessment and management tools. In 2021 the EIOPA adopted guidelines on the assessment of the materiality of climate risks, and the integration of physical and transition risks in the ORSA. EIOPA also analysed the … Continued

 Digital Euro: objectives and challenges 

Objectives of the session The highly innovative context specific to the digitalisation of commerce, provided the internet, mobile-phone, and distributed ledger technology adoption, has been requiring faster payments and accompanying ever widening choice of services often embedding or hiding payment ones. Eventually, the short-lived Libra initiative provided a wakeup call to all incumbents (i.e., banks, … Continued

 Financial stability risks in Europe in the post-pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict context: indebtedness, inflation, asset bubbles,…  

Objectives of the session This session will assess the financial vulnerabilities raised in Europe by the dangers of rising and persistent inflation, lasting very negative real interest rates – asset bubbles, market fragmentation, liquidity trap -, the very high level of public debt in some EU Member States, the deterioration of credit risk and persistently … Continued

Future challenges for global infrastructures and cross-border payments

Objectives of the session Financial infrastructures – High Value Payments, Low Value Payments, central securities depositories, securities settlement systems, central counterparties, and trade repositories… at the global level must be reliable and cost effective in all circumstances. These infrastructures in which many banks and other financial institutions are participants to, and in many cases also … Continued