Exchange of views: J. Grivet (Crédit Agricole)
Speech: The financial sector’s contribution to the EU’s competitiveness agenda
Exchange of views: B. Mensah (Bank of America)
Speech: V. Dombrovskis (EU Commission)
What Stability and Growth Pact is needed to support the euro?
Objectives European fiscal rules, as enshrined in the Stability and Growth Pact, are currently suspended to allow governments to fight the economic fallout from the pandemic. Under current plans, these fiscal rules will be enacted again in 2024. The EU Commission is expected to put forward its SGP reform proposals based on the principles outlined … Continued
Speech: E. Thedéen (Riksbank)
Do inflation, over-indebtedness and de-globalization trends have major implications for the provision of finance in the EU?
Objectives The session will first assess the economic causes of the recent financial turmoil on the EU financial industry and discuss solutions to get out of the financialization trap. Then the session will focus on the impact of the economic environment on the EU financial industry. Speakers will also be invited to express their views … Continued
Keynote speech: E. Svantesson (Min Fin Sweden)
Making instant payments attractive for EU citizens
“ Objectives The EU benefits from various operational infrastructures able to make instant payments. However instant payments represent in 2022 only one-in-ten credit transfers in euro in the EU. This is even lower in case of transfers between two Member States. To address the situation, the Commission proposed a set of measures aimed at increasing … Continued
Strengthening EU clearing: what issues and priorities?
Objectives This session will first discuss the potential impact of the measures proposed in December 2022 by the European Commission to strengthen EU clearing (i.e. in terms of competitiveness of the EU clearing ecosystem and of reduction of the exposure of the EU to systemic risks from offshore clearing), potential adjustments that may be needed … Continued