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Improving the banking crisis management framework (EU liquidation framework, conditions for DGS support in resolution)

Main trends and regulatory evolutions in the EU asset management sector (AIFMD/ELTIF reviews, digitalisation, supervision…)  

Objectives of the session The objective of this session is to discuss the current state of the EU asset management market, the main on-going trends in the sector (such as ESG, digitalisation) and whether these evolutions are appropriately addressed by on-going EU regulatory initiatives (review of asset management frameworks, CMU-related rules and proposals, digital policies…). … Continued

Basel III implementation: global consistency, international decision-making process, remaining calibration issues… 

Objectives of the session The last Basel III bank international standard is intended to enhance the robustness and risk sensitivity of the standardised approaches for credit risk, market risk and operational risk, and facilitate the comparability of banks’ capital ratios. In this perspective it will constrain the use of internal models to limit the extent … Continued

Enhancing the competitiveness and resilience of EU securities infrastructures (CSDR, DLT, harmonisation…) 

Objectives of the session The first objective of this session is to take stock of the progress that has been made in the EU securities post-trading space in terms of efficiency, integration and resilience and identify the further enhancements that may be achieved through an improvement of regulations (CSDR review in particular) and further actions … Continued

Post-Brexit regulatory divergence: potential magnitude and impacts 

Objectives of the session This session will discuss the risk of increasing regulatory divergence between the EU and UK, the potential impacts in terms of efficiency, competitiveness and financial stability and the possible solutions for alleviating the negative consequences of regulatory divergence. Points of discussion Extent of divergence: Are on-going regulatory reviews in the EU … Continued

Prospects and challenges faced by the green transition: global consistency, potential impacts from the Russia-Ukraine war…

Objectives of the session The economic, monetary, and political contexts have been deteriorating since the first improvements on the Covid19 front in 2021. Indebtedness, inflation, and political fragmentation have then been compounded by the Russia war in Ukraine and related destructions, trade disruptions and sanctions. While some see these trends as an opportunity to accelerate … Continued

How to foster investment in the green and digital transitions in the current EU macroeconomic context and geopolitical uncertainty (Russia-Ukraine war)?

Objectives of the session This session will focus on the evolutions of the current EU regulatory framework required and the complementary financial tools needed to better incentivize long-term investments in the green and digital transition. Then speakers will be invited to express their views on the consequences of increasingly negative real interest rates, the over-indebtedness … Continued