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EU retail payment landscape: prospects and challenges (EPI, instant payments…)

MiFIR Review: key pending issues and expected impacts (market structure, transparency, competitiveness…)  

Objectives of the session This session will discuss the key issues remaining to be tackled concerning the transparency and market structure measures of the MiFIR review proposal for equity, bond, derivative and ETF instruments and the next steps for addressing them. The expected impacts of these measures on the functioning and competitiveness of EU capital … Continued

Solvency II revision: main expected outcomes and remaining challenges

Objectives of the session In the wake of Brexit, insurers in the UK, have been asking for the Solvency II regulatory regime to be amended, blaming it for excessive regulatory capital requirements and restrictions on investable assets. However, the UK Prudential Regulation Authority, which supervises insurance undertakings, has been considerably more cautious on the file. … Continued

Strengthening EU clearing: key issues and priorities

Objectives of the session The objective of this session is to discuss the measures currently envisaged to review the central clearing framework in the EU in order to strengthen the EU clearing capacity, reduce the over-reliance of the EU on UK-based CCPs and mitigate potential financial stability risks in the EU stemming from central clearing. … Continued

Retail Investment Strategy: key priorities

Objectives of the session This session will first discuss the current trends of retail investment in Europe and how they are due to evolve in the present macro-economic and market context with rising interest rates, high inflation, market volatility and increasing digitalisation. The panel will also assess the potential impact and feasibility of the main … Continued

Data-led innovation in finance: opportunities and regulatory implications (Data Act, AI Act, open finance…)  

Objectives of the session This session will first discuss the opportunities associated with data-led innovation in the financial sector for financial institutions and their customers, the conditions for fully reaping the full value of data in the financial sector and the potential challenges or obstacles to the realisation of these opportunities. The panel will also … Continued

Transition pathways: definition and adoption challenges 

Objectives of the session In the context of the implementation of COP 21 agreement modern economies are now facing the development of a multitude of transition plans, elaborated at different scales (national, sectoral, European…) and by different organizations: NGOs, FIs, companies, states, public institutions, trade organizations… The differences in scopes (e.g., focus on risk, local, … Continued

Cryptoassets: are regulators on the curve? (MiCA, on-going FSB / IOSCO assessments…)

Objectives of the session This session will first assess the current trends in European and global cryptoasset markets and the main opportunities and challenges associated with the development of cryptoassets and their underlying technical features. The panel will also discuss the progress made in terms of regulation of cryptoassets and cryptoasset service providers in the … Continued