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SFDR/CSRD/Taxonomy sustainability reporting: usability challenges and impacts on the EU financial sector

SFDR/CSRD/Taxonomy sustainability reporting: usability challenges and impacts on the EU financial sector

Objectives of the session The European Union has started to develop an extensive regulatory framework to achieve a transparent sustainability reporting. This should support better channelling investment towards a sustainable economy. The Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), implemented since 2021, lays down sustainability disclosure obligations for financial investors, product manufacturers and advisers. The Taxonomy regulation, … Continued

DeFi prospects and regulatory implications: what way forward? 

Objectives of the session This session will first assess the current trends of the decentralised finance (DeFi) market, the related opportunities and challenges associated with DeFi applications and the interactions with the centralised cryptoasset space and traditional financial markets. The panel will also discuss the latest thinking about the policy implications of DeFi, whether cryptoasset … Continued

Coexistence of sustainability reporting standards (ISSB, SEC, EU CSRD/Taxonomy): implications for the financial sector

Objectives of the session The financial sector has for years asked for a clarification and a simplification of the different reporting standards used in the world. The European Commission has taken the lead in developing a framework of sustainable transparency for financial and non-financial firms, In April, EFRAG (European financial reporting advisory group), published its … Continued

Russia-Ukraine war: how to address inflation and growth impacts?

Objectives of the session Beyond the immediate humanitarian impact, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is severely setting back the global recovery, slowing growth and increasing inflation even further. This shock exacerbates stagflationary risks. European economies are hit the hardest, compared to other global regions, particularly those that have a common border with either Russia or Ukraine. … Continued

Sustainability risk in the EU banking sector: risk management, disclosure and prudential treatment issues

Objectives of the session The European Central Bank (ECB) published an updated assessment of the progress of European banks on climate and environmental risks disclosures. In January 2022 the European Banking authority published pillar 3 technical standards putting together comparable disclosures and KPIs, aiming at ensuring an appropriate level of information about institutions’ ESG exposures, … Continued

Taking advantage of bank diversity in Europe in terms of business model and governance (profitability, supervisory issues…)  

Objectives of the session The essence of banking lies in assessing, balancing, and managing risks and benefits. As different types of risk/reward are needed to satisfy different types of customer needs, there is place for different types of banks. A business model can be seen as the sum of the systems, mechanisms and methods through … Continued

Sustainability risks and challenges in the insurance sector (sector resilience, contribution to the EU economy adaptation)

Objectives of the session Supervisors are assessing on an ongoing basis US, European and national insurers’ exposure to physical climate change risks. More generally they are outlining the appropriate climate risk disclosures, stress testing approaches and scenarios, and working out climate related risk modeling in both underwriting and investments. In addition, supervisors, globally, consider how … Continued