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MiFID II / MiFIR reviews: what priorities for improving the structure and transparency of EU securities markets?

ESG reporting standards: how to achieve minimum consistency globally and avoid greenwashing?

Background and objectives of the session There is today no international harmonisation of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) standards, even on climate despite the Paris Accord. This makes the life of financial and non-financial firms difficult and creates confusion which can lead to greenwashing. The European Union has started to develop an ambitious regulatory framework which … Continued

Improving the global competitiveness of the EU ​ banking sector : key drivers and policy priorities?

Objectives of the roundtable The major European banks have lost their competitiveness and remain generally less profitable and undervalued compared to their global counterparts. The session will first discuss the reasons of this significant gap between large EU banks and their American and Asian peers and the related consequences of such a gap. Then the … Continued

Priorities for improving the EU banking crisis management framework​

Objectives of the session Having an effective and integrated framework for managing crises, is essential for preserving the trust of depositors and the public at large, in order to avoid financial fragmentation and to safeguard financial stability. The session will discuss the way forward for improving the EU crisis management framework and focus on small … Continued