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Basel 3 implementation in the EU: key political stakes​

Basel 3 implementation in the EU: key political stakes​

Objectives of the session The EU Commission presented at the end of October 2021 the Banking package intended to address various shortcomings identified. In particular, it is transposing in the EU limitations imposed by the BCBS of the ability of internal models to reduce regulatory capital in order to increase comparability of banks’ balance sheets. … Continued

Solvency II revision: major political challenges and options

Objectives of the session A review of the EU (re)insurance regulatory framework is on the table to draw the lessons of the first years of its application. The revision is handled in the context of an unprecedented long-term investment need related to digital and sustainability transition EU challenges. In addition, despite a recent re-emergence of … Continued

Cross-border payments: ​Success factors, remaining challenges​ ​

Objectives of the session In the context of swift innovation enabled by internet and the progressive development of emerging markets, cross-border payments have remained expensive, slow, and insufficiently secured notably in the context of ever-growing cybercrime and money laundering. To address these challenges the Financial Stability Board (FSB) coordinates an amazing 19 building-block roadmap of … Continued

Key success factors for an effective EU AML/CFT authority

Objectives of the session The AMLA will supervise financial sector entities that are exposed to the highest risk of money laundering and terrorism financing, which will in return benefit from having a single supervisor. A coordination role in the non-financial sector is also targeted for AMLA. A “single EU rulebook” will include directly applicable AML/CFT … Continued

Insurance prudential frameworks to address sustainability risks at the Global and EU levels

Objectives of the session The session is therefore intended to take stock on the current practices of the Insurance sector regarding the assessment and mitigation of sustainability risks including those related to specific new sustainability-related insurance products and even greenwashing issues. The priority evolutions of the supervisory and regulatory framework will also be discussed taking … Continued

6 years after the Paris Treaty is the financial sector fully playing its sustainability role?

Background and objectives of the session 6 years after the Paris Treaty, national programmes to fight against climate change have been designed, including the Green Deal for the European Union. As for the financial sector, a new regulatory and supervisory framework has been developed first to ensure transparency (through the recommendations of the Taskforce on … Continued

Sustainable finance: what is expected from transition scenarios and related policy priorities?

Objective of the session Financial institutions are expected to both achieve an appropriate mitigation of their risk and measure, manage, and inform on the positive and negative contributions their financing activities have on climate disruption. However, it is often not possible for a financial institution to focus exclusively on ecology. Many corporates require accessing to … Continued

Sustainability trends in asset-management: ​what policies are needed to address ESG confusion?

Background and objectives of the session In order to take up the global economy transition challenge, the asset-management industry is in the front line to allocate the massive flows of investment required worldwide. Nonetheless, global confusion on matters of sustainability hampers the asset-management industry’s ability to embrace the current sustainability trends, and increases concerns around … Continued

Banking sustainability risks: are new prudential ​frameworks required at the global and EU levels?

Background and objective of the session Climate-related risks differ from usual ones. They are far-reaching across all sectors and economies, highly non-linear and long-term, and impact classical risk categories (credit, market, operational). Their assessment is much more complex, forward-looking, and further uncertain, making C&E a major issue to be addressed. This session will be dedicated … Continued