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Corporate Sustainability Reporting: how to address ​ data challenges?

Relaunching productive investment in the EU context of lasting very low interest rates and over indebtedness: ​is NGEU the gamechanger?

Objectives of the session This session will identify the main the reasons why the level of productive investment has been lowered in Europe over the past decade compared to other parts of the world (United States, China, Japan) and discuss the impact of Next Generation EU for accelerating the EU economic recovery. Then, speakers will … Continued

Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact​

Objectives of the roundtable European fiscal rules, as enshrined in the Stability and Growth Pact, are currently suspended to allow governments to fight the economic fallout from the pandemic. Under current plans, these fiscal rules will be enacted again in 2023 and the EU Commission should put forward its SGP reform proposals in the coming … Continued

How to improve Economic and Monetary Union given its increasing economic and financial fragmentation?

Objective of the session The Covid crisis has exacerbated existing fiscal, economic, productivity, and current account imbalances across EU Member States (see Eurofi Macroeconomic scoreboard). This makes finding consistent EU policy making much more problematic. Furthermore, the limited financial flows between eurozone countries lock in per capita income dispersion in the euro area. This session … Continued