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Retail investment strategy:  main objectives and policy priorities

Retail investment strategy:  main objectives and policy priorities

This session will first discuss the current trends regarding retail investment and the main obstacles and challenges to the further development of retail investment across the Union. The panel will also assess the policy priorities for developing retail investment that should be considered in the context of the forthcoming retail investment strategy and how these … Continued

Asset management: market trends and EU policy implications

The objective of this session is to discuss the main on-going trends in the European asset management market at the product, distribution and back office levels and whether these evolutions are appropriately addressed by on-going EU policy initiatives. This session will also tackle pending questions concerning the AIFMD and ELTIF reviews and the consistency between … Continued

Clearing: remaining challenges and way forward

This session will first discuss the main trends, risks and pending issues in the clearing space concerning EU and non-EU CCPs serving EU securities and derivatives markets. The panel will also assess the evolutions underway concerning the regulation and supervision of EU and non-EU CCPs and whether further measures are needed for supporting financial stability … Continued

Optimizing the financing of EU corporates

This session will first discuss the current financing structure of non-financial corporates (NFCs) in the EU, how it is evolving with the Covid recovery measures and also the issues that it may raise in terms of growth and resilience. The panel will also assess the actions that are needed for improving the financing structure of … Continued

CMU Action Plan: how and by when can decisive progress be made

This session will discuss whether the key policy priorities of the CMU are likely to achieve a step change in the development and integration of EU capital markets. The panel will also assess whether the progress made so far with the implementation of the Commissions’ CMU action plan is satisfactory and whether the conditions are … Continued

EU taxonomy and CSRD: implementation challenges and key policy trends

The session is dedicated to reminding what is expected from the transparency framework regarding the acceleration of the sustainability transition in the EU.   It is also dedicated to discussing the magnitude of the changes generated in the financial sector including its expected stewardship role, and consequently the anticipated cost and timeframe challenges given notably that … Continued

Post trading priorities for supporting the CMU

The first objective of this session is to take stock of the progress that has been made in the EU post-trading area in terms of efficiency and integration following the implementation of EU securities regulations, T2S and related harmonisation work and of further improvements that can be expected from on-going Eurosystem initiatives.  Secondly, the panel … Continued

Tech companies in finance: ?policy options to support innovation, stability and a level playing fiel

This session will discuss the role played by tech companies in finance (bigtechs and fintechs), how this role is expected to develop in the coming years and the opportunities and challenges associated with this development. The panel will also assess the policy approach needed for addressing the increasing role of tech companies in finance and … Continued