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Key drivers for enhancing cross-border payments  at the global level

EU regulatory challenges and infrastructure issues  for entering the new retail payment era?

The session is intended to clarify and prioritise the main challenges to be addressed by EU level retail payment infrastructures and schemes, and finally, discuss the adaptation-approaches, which maximise competition, innovation, and cooperation in the EU, and will enable EU public and private stakeholders to successfully contribute to the EU retail payment strategy. In particular, … Continued

New technologies in EU securities markets (DLT, AI…): use cases and regulatory implications

This session will discuss how the use of new technologies is progressing in securities market activities, their impacts on the provision of financial services in the securities markets and whether EU digital policies, notably those proposed in the EU Digital Finance Package, set out the main actions needed for accelerating the digitalisation of these activities, … Continued

Improving the EU bank crisis management framework

The session will focus first on the way forward for improving the EU crisis management framework for small and medium sized banks. Then the panel will discuss the major steps required for breaking the current deadlock in the discussions concerning a common deposit insurance scheme (EDIS). Points of discussion What way forward for improving the … Continued

Implementing Basel III in the EU: ?remaining challenges and timing

The session will seek to identify the most challenging reforms featured in the final Basel III package that the EU is now implementing, assess the sources of discrepancy regarding the anticipated amount of regulatory capital that most impacted EU banks would have to raise, the societal and economic benefits of addressing outstanding structural flaws in … Continued

Normalizing monetary policy: when and how?

The objective of this session is to assess whether monetary policy needs to be gradually normalized when the pandemic is over and discuss the main priorities to chart the path to such a normalization. Points of discussion Getting out of the pandemic, what should be the appropriate approach of monetary policy: stick to the present … Continued

Renewed EU Sustainable Finance Strategy: is it sufficient to tackle the major environmental challeng

The session aims at clarifying the main stakes and challenges, which explain the need to increase the level of ambition in the EU regarding sustainable finance. It will highlight the areas where additional efforts are needed in the EU to further facilitate sustainable investments and address sustainability financial challenges, including those regarding SMEs and households. … Continued

Over public indebtedness: what way forward??

Global public debt in advanced economies has grown by 30% between 2007 and 2019, according to the World Bank. In the euro area, the aggregate government debt-to-GDP ratio in the same period rose from 65,9 % to 85,9% – one-third more debt compared to the pre-crisis level. Except for very few countries, the fiscal rules … Continued