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Banking Union: addressing the concerns of host countries (capital, liquidity…) and macroprudential issues​

Banking Union: addressing the concerns of host countries (capital, liquidity…) and macroprudential issues​

Objectives The launch of the Banking Union project was a response to the EU Sovereign crisis (2011-2012). The design of the banking union envisaged common supervision, resolution and deposit insurance in the euro area. Only two of its pillars, European supervision and resolution, are in place. The Covid Crisis and the US banking turmoil in … Continued

Developing long term retail investment in the EU (new EU product, ELTIF, tax incentives, investment solutions)

Objectives This session will focus on the prospects for new investment products and product labels to support retail investment, and on possible measures that might be needed in addition to the Retail Investment Strategy (RIS) to develop long term retail investment. This session will first assess whether new or improved investment products or product labels … Continued

EU bank crisis management framework and EDIS: what priorities?​​

Objectives An effective and integrated framework for crisis management is essential to maintain confidence in the financial system, prevent further fragmentation and safeguard financial stability. On 18 April 2023, the European Commission published its proposal to revise the BRDD, the SRMR, the DGSD and the Daisy Chains Directive – the Crisis Management and Deposit Insurance … Continued

Priorities for the asset management sector in the next political cycle (product frameworks, fragmentation, distribution rules…)

Objectives The objective of this session is to discuss the main trends in the European asset management sector, the main opportunities and challenges facing the sector, and the policy priorities for the next European political cycle to further develop and integrate the EU asset management sector and address remaining vulnerabilities. Points of discussion Main trends, … Continued

Do the current national and EU policies address investment needs in Europe (NGEU, EU policies, national economic policies…)?

Objectives The green and digital transitions require significant investment. The EIB’s latest investment report shows that investment to mitigate climate change is increasing but remains well below what is needed to achieve the EU’s goal of zero net emissions by 2050 (around EUR 500 billion per year between 2020 and 2030). Investment is the lifeblood … Continued

Enhancing the attractiveness of EU capital markets for issuers and investors (fragmentation, incentives, agility, returns…)

Objectives The first objective of this session is to discuss the state of play of EU capital markets for issuers and investors – including the impact of CMU and MiFIR review measures adopted so far – and reflect on the different factors that determine attractiveness (market characteristics, regulatory framework, supervisory set-up, and macroeconomics). Secondly, the … Continued

Diversity in the EU banking system: emerging players, contribution to financing, challenges, way forward​​

Objectives During the previous meetings organised by Eurofi on business model diversity, a consensus was reached between industry and public policy makers that: – The diversity of banking business models, provided they are viable and sustainable (i.e. profitable and resilient), is an asset for ensuring financial stability in Europe and for meeting the different financing … Continued