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Speech by Ashley Alder

Enhancing the EU asset management framework

Objectives This session will focus on the on-going reviews of the AIFMD and ELTIF legislations, mainly from a CMU perspective. The discussion will center on the main priorities for enhancing the effectiveness of these legislations and their capacity to channel funding to the EU economy and provide appropriate investment opportunities, taking into account the proposals … Continued

EU Recovery package implementation: issues, key success factors

Objectives The objective of this session is to discuss to what extent this EU fiscal deal will address the economic priorities resulting from the pandemic and the weaknesses of the Monetary Union amplified by the Covid-19 crisis and the ways to tackle the major threats to the effectiveness of this EU package. Points of discussion … Continued

EU consolidated tape and Single Access Point: ​what benefits, feasibility and way forward?

Objectives This session will first discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with the implementation of a European post-trade consolidated tape for the development of EU securities markets and whether the guidance provided by ESMA provides an appropriate way forward for its implementation. The panel will also evaluate the potential impact for investors and issuers that … Continued

Crypto-assets and stablecoins: prospects and way forward

Objectives Distributed ledger technologies are transforming financial markets, as for both the development of financial products and underlying market infrastructures. Indeed, they promise further automation and disintermediation, increased transparency and reliability as well as potentially improved liquidity and tradability of these assets.  Similarly, the digitalisation of the economy and the subsequent increasing share of cross … Continued

Solvency II review:​ key issues

Objectives Solvency II has been applied since 1 January 2016. It was intended to promote comparability, transparency and competitiveness by providing an accurate individual risk profile for each insurance company. However, EU insurance undertakings have been retreating from investments in long-term projects and companies although life insurance companies in particular, are natural long-term investors. Therefore, … Continued