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Speech by Werner Hoyer

Key issues in the insurance sector at the global level

Objectives The session is dedicated to developing and clarify the stakes and action plans of certain IAIS overarching priorities for the coming years, which are:  Risk assessment and the maintenance of financial stability, including ongoing assessment of potential vulnerabilities arising from the impact of Covid-19.  Delivering on key post-crisis reforms, including further refinement of the … Continued

Implementing the EU sustainable finance taxonomy

Objectives Meeting the EU’s climate and energy targets for 2030 and reaching the objectives of the European Green Deal, require defining a language and a clear definition of what is “sustainable” common to companies, investors and policymakers, in order to direct investments towards sustainable projects and activities. For this purpose, a Taxonomy Regulation entered into … Continued

Challenges for the EU banking sector in the Covid context

Objectives The objective of this session is to discuss the short- and medium-term banking challenges related to the four priority areas assessed by the ECB Banking Supervision and that have been materially affected by the current crisis: credit risk management, capital strength, business model sustainability (profitability issues) and governance (credit risk management, risk data aggregation … Continued