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Challenges facing insurers: lessons from the Global Monitoring Exercise, ICS implementation, sustainability risks measurement and mitigation.

Challenges facing insurers: lessons from the Global Monitoring Exercise, ICS implementation, sustainability risks measurement and mitigation.

Objectives The IAIS Global Insurance Market Report 2023 highlights some key risks and trends facing the global insurance sector. Although the overall outlook has improved compared to a year ago, there are still challenges to address. The report assesses interest rate, liquidity, and credit risks within the current macroeconomic context. Household purchasing power strains and … Continued

AML: key success factors needed to boost EU effectiveness

Objectives In the context of new EU legislation and supervision, achieving an effective breakthrough in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requires gathering key success factors across various areas. A central pillar of success lies in the set-up of the AML Authority (AMLA) which raises many challenges. AMLA must efficiently identify high-risk institutions and entities, cover the entire … Continued

Sustainability risks in the banking sector (closing risk measurement gaps, prudential treatment, stress tests, transition plans…)

Objectives In the context of climate and environmental risks in the banking sector, the consensus is that climate change is the most pressing challenge today. It presents global concerns, requiring international cooperation for ambitious mitigation goals. The banking sector faces physical and transition risks that could impact financial stability. Regulators play a crucial role in … Continued

Main priorities to improve global EU economic competitiveness

Objectives of the roundtable The eurozone has been experiencing a structural growth shortfall relative to the United States and China since the mid-1990s due to structural weaknesses. The Eurofi Economic Scoreboard reminds us that GDP in volume grew by 66.2% from 1998 to 2022 in the US and by only 39.7% in the euro area, … Continued

Open strategic autonomy and economic security strategy in the financial area: what are the priorities for the next Commission?

Objectives of the roundtable 10 years after the creation of the Banking Union and 7 years after the launch of the first CMU initiative, European banking and capital markets remain fragmented within the EU. On 19 January 2021, the Commission issued a communication which sets out how the EU can reinforce its open strategic autonomy … Continued