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Digital Euro business case: value for citizens, who pays, who distributes and how to avoid infrastructure duplication?

Digital Euro business case: value for citizens, who pays, who distributes and how to avoid infrastructure duplication?

Background and objectives of the session The introduction of the Digital Euro promises significant benefits, catering to the evolving payment needs in our digital era. It offers both efficiency and trust as it utilizes central bank money, ensuring accessibility in an increasingly cashless society and fostering innovation in the digital economy. However, the key challenge … Continued

Investment product trends: are further changes needed to contribute to the RIS and CMU (ETFs, ELTIFs, AIFs…) ?

Objectives The first part of this session will focus on assessing current trends in the retail investment product market, whether retail investment needs are appropriately served by the existing product frameworks (e.g. UCITS, AIFMD, ELTIF) and whether the product-related proposals of the Retail Investment Package (RIP) are expected to have a positive impact on these … Continued

Global payment infrastructures and cross-border payments: progress following the G20 roadmap

Objectives of the session The global payment infrastructure and cross-border payments have gained significance, spurred by the G20’s commitment to enhancing cross-border payments. Domestic payments have seen advancements, but cross-border transactions require comprehensive reforms. The G20-endorsed roadmap aims to make cross-border payments faster, safer, cheaper, and more efficient, benefiting citizens worldwide. Central banks, private sector … Continued

Future for the Banking Union and the single market for banking services

Objectives of the roundtable The session will first assess the consequences of not addressing ring fencing policies on financials stability and the competitiveness of banks in Europe. Then, the speakers will be invited to express their views on policy priorities to address the long-lasting home host issues and the conditions to consider transnational banking groups … Continued