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Strengthening the EMU: way forward for the next 5 years (SPG reform, macroeconomic imbalance procedure)

Objectives On 26 April 2023, the Commission presented a package of three legislative proposals: two regulations aiming to replace (preventive arm) or amend (corrective arm) the two pillars of the stability and growth pact first adopted in 1997, and an amended directive on requirements for budgetary frameworks of member states. On 21 December 2023 the … Continued

Increasing equity financing: does the EU have the right market structure and regulatory framework for supporting innovation and growth?

Objectives This session will first discuss the current trends in terms of equity financing and IPOs in the EU, the impact of the current macro-economic environment in this area and the key issues to address to develop equity financing. Secondly, the panel will assess the impacts that can be expected from the CMU and MiFIR … Continued