The first objective of this session is to take stock of the progress that has been made in the EU post-trading area in terms of efficiency and integration following the implementation of EU securities regulations, T2S and related harmonisation work and of further improvements that can be expected from on-going Eurosystem initiatives.
Secondly, the panel will discuss the main issues that remain to be addressed in the settlement space, what can be expected from on-going EU regulatory initiatives (CMU action plan, reviews of CSDR, SFD, FCD) and identify further improvements that may be needed for supporting the Capital Markets Union (CMU).
Points of discussion
- How is post-trading evolving in the EU in terms of efficiency and cross-border integration? What further improvements can be expected from on-going Eurosystem initiatives and harmonisation work? What are the main pending issues and remaining barriers in the settlement space potentially hindering the further development and integration of EU capital markets?
- Are the on-going EU policy initiatives (CMU action plan, reviews of CSDR, SFD and FCD) addressing the main issues needed for improving EU post-trading? What are the potential shortcomings of these initiatives? What further actions may be needed in the post-trading space for supporting the CMU?