Objectives of the session
This session will identify the main the reasons why the level of productive investment has been lowered in Europe over the past decade compared to other parts of the world (United States, China, Japan) and discuss the impact of Next Generation EU for accelerating the EU economic recovery.
Then, speakers will be invited to express their views on the EU and national priority actions to relaunch productive investment in Europe in the context of increasingly negative real interest rates, the over-indebtedness of some Member States and the resurgence of inflation.
Points of discussion
- How can we explain the pre pandemic low level of growth of Europe over the past two decades particularly in comparison with the US and China? How will economic recovery be accelerated and supported by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility?
- How can the investment needs in the relation to the EU green and digital transition – estimated by the EU Commission at nearly EUR 650 billion per year until 2030 – be met and financed in particular by the banking sector in the context of increasingly negative real interest rates, the over-indebtedness of some Member States and the resurgence of inflation?