This session will assess whether the proposals of the Retail Investment Package address the main priorities for developing retail investment, evaluate the potential impacts of the measures proposed and identify possible shortcomings or gaps that remain to be tackled.
The discussion will mainly be organized around the proposals in terms of (i) Value for money, (ii) Inducements and quality of advice.
Points of discussion
- Value for money: Are the measures proposed in the RIP likely to help improve value-for-money for retail investors? Could these measures have potential downsides for investors and how may they be addressed? Do these measures raise any feasibility issues? Do certain measures raise feasibility issues (e.g. proposed benchmarks)?
- Other measures of the RIP: Can the measures proposed regarding inducements reduce conflicts of interest and will they allow adequate investor outcomes? Will best interest principles help to enhance the quality of advice? Are there any downsides from these measures and if so how may they be addressed? What are the conditions for an effective implementation of these measures? What are the main other priorities to be considered in the RIP (e.g. financial literacy, cross-border supervision…)?