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Budapest Financial Forum
September 2024
Public Authorities
Kerstin af Jochnick
Member of the Supervisory Board - European Central Bank (ECB)
Johan Almenberg
State Secretary, Financial Markets - Ministry of Finance, Sweden
Patrice Amann
EMEA Regional Business Lead - Worldwide Financial Services - Microsoft
Kalin Anev Janse
Chief Financial Officer and Management Board Member - European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
Shigeru Ariizumi
Vice Minister for International Affairs - Financial Services Agency, Japan (J-FSA)
Emmanuelle Assouan
General Director Financial Stability and Operations - Banque de France
Nathalie Aufauvre
Secretary General - Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)
Leonardo Badea
Deputy Governor - National Bank of Romania
David Bailey
Executive Director for Prudential Policy - Bank of England
László Balogh
Deputy Secretary of State - Ministry for National Economy, Hungary
Burkhard Balz
Member of the Executive Board - Deutsche Bundesbank
Péter Benő Banai
State Secretary for Public Finance - Ministry of Finance, Hungary
Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte
Director General of the Treasury - Ministry of Economy and Finance, Italy
Ugo Bassi
Director - Banking, insurance and financial crime - DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
Ugo Bassi
Director - Banking, insurance and financial crime - DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
Nathanaël Benjamin
Executive Director of Financial Stability Strategy and Risk & member of the Financial Policy Committee - Bank of England
John Berrigan
Director General - DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
Ulrich Bindseil
Director General, DG Market Infrastructure & Payments - European Central Bank (ECB)
Christophe Bories
Head of Service for the Financial Sector - Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, France
Claudia Buch
Chair of the Supervisory Board - Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)
Rodrigo Buenaventura
Chair - Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV)
Christopher P. Buttigieg
Chief Officer Supervision, Chief Executive Officer ad-interim - Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA)
José Manuel Campa
Chairperson - European Banking Authority (EBA)
Stefano Cappiello
Director General of Regulation and Supervision - Ministry of Economy and Finance, Italy
Michael Carlson
Director, International Financial Markets - U.S. Department of Treasury
Natasha Cazenave
Executive Director - European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
Carlo Comporti
Commissioner - Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB)
Paula Conthe Calvo
Secretary General of the Treasury
Alberto Corinti
Member of the Board of Directors - Italian Insurance Supervisory Authority (IVASS)
Paolo Costanzo
Manager, Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) - Banca d'Italia - UIF
Declan Costello
Deputy Director-General, Coordination of Economic Policies of Member States - DG for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
Gerry Cross
Director Financial Regulation, Policy and Risk - Central Bank of Ireland
Gabriel Cumenge
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Banking and General Interest Financing - Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, France
Urska Cvelbar
Director General, Financial System Department - Ministry of Finance, Slovenia
Patrick de Cambourg
Chair of the Sustainability Reporting Board - European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)
Barnabas Dezseri
Head of Insurance Unit - Ministry for National Economy, Hungary
Carla Díaz Alvarez de Toledo
Director General of the Treasury and Financial Policy - Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, Spain
Carmine Di Noia
Director of Financial and Enterprise Affairs - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Jonathan Dixon
Secretary General - International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
Paschal Donohoe
President of the Eurogroup & Former Minister - Department of Finance, Ireland
David Henry Doyle
Vice President, Head of Government Affairs & Public Policy, EMEA - S&P Global
Jurand Drop
Deputy Minister - Ministry of Finance, Poland
Bertrand Dumont
Director General of the Treasury - Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, France
Helmut Ettl
Executive Director - Austrian Financial Market Authority
Maria Teresa Fábregas
Director - Recovery & Resilience Task Force, European Commission
Antonio Fernández de Pinto
Director General, Insurance and Pension Funds - Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, Spain
Luca Ferrais
Directorate Regulation and Supervision of financial system - Ministry of Economy and Finance, Italy
YJ Fischer
Director of the Office of International Affairs - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Gaston Gelos
Deputy Head, Monetary and Economic Department - Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Kristalina Georgieva
Managing Director - International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Pierre Gramegna
Managing Director - European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
Marketta Henriksson
Director for EU Affairs - Ministry of Finance, Finland
Jos Heuvelman
Member of the Executive Board - Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
Petra Hielkema
Chairperson - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Robert Holzmann
Governor and Member of the Governing Council of the ECB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Dušan Hradil
Director, Financial Markets Section - Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic
Deniz Igan
Head of Macroeconomic Analysis - Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Alex Ivančo
Financial Counsellor, Head of Financial and Cohesion Policy Unit - Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU
Stéphane Janin
Head of Global Regulatory Developments and Public Affairs - AXA Investment Managers
Jacek Jastrzębski
Chair of the Board - Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Alexandra Jour-Schroeder
Deputy Director-General - DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
Alfred Kammer
Director, European Department - International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Csaba Kandrács
Deputy Governor - The Central Bank of Hungary
Pawel Karbownik
Deputy Minister - Ministry of Finance, Poland
Paweł Karbownik
Deputy Minister - Ministry of Finance, Poland
Līga Kļaviņa
Deputy State Secretary on Financial Policy - Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia
Klaas Knot
President, DNB & Chair, FSB - De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
Richard Knox
Director, Financial Services International - HM Treasury
Hirohide Kouguchi
Executive Director - Bank of Japan
Ondřej Kovařík
MEP - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
Zoltan Kurali
Cheif Executive Officer - Government Debt Management Agency Pte. Ltd. (ÁKK)
Dávid Kutasi
Director, Supervision and Analysis of Credit Institutions Directorate - The Central Bank of Hungary
Dominique Laboureix
Chair - Single Resolution Board (SRB)
Luís Laginha de Sousa
Chair - Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM)
Thomas Lammer
Deputy Head of Secretariat - Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI)
Martin Landais
Director, Insurance division, French Treasury - Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, France
Jean Lemierre
Chairman - BNP Paribas
Enrico Letta
President - Jacques Delors Institute
Mindaugas Liutvinskas
Vice Minister - Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
Sue Lloyd
Vice Chair - ISSB
Klaus Löber
Chair, Central Counterparties Supervisory Committee - European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
Steven Maijoor
Executive Director of Supervision - De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
Nicoletta Mascher
Head of Financial Sector and Market Analysis - European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
György Matolcsy
Governor - The Central Bank of Hungary
Francesco Mazzaferro
Director General of Secretariat - European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
Elizabeth McCaul
Member of the Supervisory Board, ECB Representative - Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)
Michael J. McGrath
Assistant Secretary, Financial Services Division - Department of Finance, Ireland
Sandrine Ménard
Deputy to the Head of the Economic, Commercial and Financial - Permanent Representation of France to the EU
Martin Merlin
Director, Banking, Insurance and Financial Crime - DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
François-Louis Michaud
Executive Director - European Banking Authority (EBA)
Sasha Mills
Executive Director, Financial Market Infrastructure - Bank of England
Urszula Miziołowska
Head of the Payment System Unit - Ministry of Finance, Poland
Louise Caroline Mogensen
Director General - Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet)
Robert Mosch
Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs - Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
Márton Nagy
The Minister - Ministry for National Economy, Hungary
Mario Nava
Director General - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Mario Nava
Director General - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Fernando Navarrete 
MEP - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
Christian Noyer
Honorary Governor, Banque de France -
Cosimo Pacciani
Head of Unit, Group Research Hub & Chief Economist - Poste Italiane
Agathi Pafili
Vice President, Head of Government Relations, Europe
Peter Palus
Member of the EFC/EWG & Head of Unit, Financial - Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to EU
Christina Papaconstantinou
Deputy Governor - Bank of Greece
Fausto Parente
Executive Director - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Alžběta Pazderkova
Head of Capital Market Unit - Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic
Tsvetelina Penkova
MEP - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament
Marcus Pleyer
Deputy Director General - Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
Thorsten Pötzsch
Chief Executive Director of Securities Supervision/Asset Management - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany (BaFin)
Sarah Pritchard
Executive Director, Markets and Executive Director, International - Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Katarzyna Przewalska
Director, Financial Market Development Department - Ministry of Finance, Poland
Birgit Puck
Managing Director Securities Supervision - Austrian Financial Market Authority
Sébastien Raspiller
Secretary General - Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
Shaneera Rasqué
Regulatory policy affairs, ESG Coordinator for investment funds - Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
Jérôme Reboul
Head of the Regulatory Policy and International Affairs Directorate - Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
Julian Reischle
Director General Payments and Settlement Systems - Deutsche Bundesbank
Fernando Restoy
Chair - Financial Stability Institute (FSI)
Märten Ross
Advisor, ECOFIN & EFC - Ministry of Finance, Estonia
Verena Ross
Chair - European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
Derville Rowland
Deputy Governor Consumer and Investor Protection - Central Bank of Ireland
Evaldas Ruzgys
Director of Markets Infrastructure Department - Bank of Lithuania
Kaustub Samant
Principal, Head of Mortgage Credit Research - PGIM Fixed Income
Rupert Schaefer
Chief Executive Director Strategy, Policy and Control - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Germany (BaFin)
John Schindler
Secretary General - Financial Stability Board
Andreas Schirk
Head of Division, Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing - Austrian Financial Market Authority
Chiara Scotti
Deputy Governor - Banca d'Italia
Jean-Paul Servais
President & Chair of the Board, IOSCO - Financial Services and Markets Authority, Belgium (FSMA)
Giuseppe Siani
Director General for Financial Supervision and Regulation - Banca d'Italia
Tajinder Singh
Acting Secretary General - International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
Eva Sluková
Director, Financial Markets - Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic
Gabor Szocs
Deputy State Secretary for Macroeconomic and European Affairs - Ministry of Finance, Hungary
Anikó Szombati
Executive Director for Digitalization and Fintech - The Central Bank of Hungary
George Theocharides
Chairman - Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
Tobias Thygesen
Director, FinTech, Payment Services and Governance Department - Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet)
Tibor  Tóth 
State Secretar - Ministry of Finance, Hungary
Anikó Túri
State Secretary - Ministry for National Economy, Hungary
Frans van Bruggen
Senior Policy officer FinTech & Artificial Intelligence - De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
Johan Van Overtveldt
MET, ECON Committee - European Parliament
Mihály Varga
Ministry of Finance, Hungary - Ministry of Finance, Hungary
Boštjan Vasle
Governor and Member of the Governing Council of the ECB - Bank of Slovenia
László Vastag
Executive Director for Prudential and Consumer Protection Supervision of Money Market Institutions - The Central Bank of Hungary
François Villeroy de Galhau
Governor, Banque de France & Chair, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - Banque de France
Barnabás Virág
Deputy Governor - The Central Bank of Hungary
Michal Vodrážka
Director, Payments Regulation Division - Czech National Bank
Boris Vujčić
Governor - Croatian National Bank
Harald Waiglein
Director General for Economic Policy and Financial Markets - Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
Harald Waiglein
Director General for Economic Policy and Financial Markets - Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
Nadine Wiedermann-Ondrej
Deputy Director General for Financial Market Regulation - Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
Eva Wimmer
Director General - Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
Lori Wing-Heier
Director, Alaska Division of Insurance, Co-Chair, NAIC Climate and Resiliency Task Force - National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
Evelien Witlox
Programme Manager, Digital Euro Project - European Central Bank (ECB)
David Wright
David Wright
Stéphanie Yon-Courtin
MEP & ECON Renew coordinator - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
Ante Žigman
President of the Board - Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA-CFSSA)
Marco Zwick
Director Executive Board - Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
Industry Representatives
Bernard Attali
Senior Advisor - Groupe Caisse des Dépôts (CDC)
Alban Aucoin
Head of Public Affairs - Crédit Agricole S.A.
Denise Bauer-Weiler
Head Group Compliance, Regulatory & Governance EMEA - UBS Europe SE
Stephen Berger
Managing Director, Global Head of Government Regulatory Policy - Citadel
Keith Berry
General Manager, Compliance and Third-party Risk Management Solutions - Moody's Investors Service
Jacques Beyssade
Secretary General - Groupe BPCE
Andy Blocker
Global Head of Public Policy - Invesco
Patricia Bogard
Head of Public Affairs - Crédit Agricole CIB
Harm Bots
Chief Executive Officer and President of MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. and Head of EU - MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V.
Haroun Boucheta
Head of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff for Company Engagement & General Secretary, Securities Services - BNP Paribas
Murat Bozdemir
Head of Regulatory, Climate, and Sustainability Data Product Solutions - Bloomberg
Niels Brab
Katharine Braddick
Group Head of Strategic Policy - Barclays Bank
Christian Castro
Head of Public Affairs - CaixaBank
Roland Chai
President Nordic Markets, Executive Vice President - Nasdaq
James Chew
Global Head of Regulatory Policy - HSBC Holdings plc
Naoaki Chisaka
Managing Director and EMEA Advisor to Chief Sustainability Officer / Senior Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer for EMEA - Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. / Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Peter Csányi
Deputy Chief Executive Officer - Otp Bank
Vincent Damas
Group Head of Sustainability - CNP Assurances
Frédéric de Courtois
Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer - AXA Group
Benoit de La Chapelle Bizot
Head of Public Affairs and Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer - Groupe BPCE
Gino Del Sesto
Head of Government Relations, Europe - MetLife
Lara Inés de Mesa Garate
Global Head Responsible Banking - Santander
Paul Donofrio
Vice Chairman - Bank of America
Mikolaj  Dowgielewicz 
Deputy Secretary General - European Investment Bank (EIB)
Tom Duff Gordon
Vice President of International Policy - Coinbase
Anna Dunn
Chief Financial Officer, EMEA - JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Christian Edelmann
Managing Partner Europe - Oliver Wyman (UK)
Rami Feghali
Head of Risk - EMEA - CACEIS
Thierry Francq
General Director for Regulatory and Economic Affairs - Covéa
Françoise Gilles
Group Chief Risk Officer - AXA Group
Stéphane Giordano
Deputy Head of Public Affairs, Société Générale & Chairman, AMAFI - Société Générale
Christophe Gloser
Head of European Distribution - Fidelity International
John Golden
Executive Vice President, Global Head of Insurance Regulation - Athene
Ignacio Gutiérrez-Orrantia
Head of Europe Cluster and Banking - Citi
Aamir Hanif
Regional Vice President, AML Compliance for EU / CIS / Africa - Western Union
Joe Heneghan
Chief Executive Officer, Europe - Revolut
Hirotaka Hideshima
Counsellor on Global Strategy to President and the Board of Directors - The Norinchukin Bank
Shiyanka Hore
Managing Director , Global Head of Industry Engagement - SWIFT
Deborah Hrvatin
Chief Risk Officer - CLS Bank International
Marcus Hughes
Vice-President, Global Head of Regulatory Strategy - Kraken
Jon Fink Isaksen
Head of Policy, EMEA - Uniswap
Jonathan Jachym
Global Head of Government Relations Policy - Kraken
Simon Janin
Head of Governance and Public Affairs - Amundi
Radován Jelasity
Chief Executive Officer - Erste Bank Hungary
Mark Jopling
Head of Global Financial Services for EMEA & APJ - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Perrine Kaltwasser
General Manager of Risk, Compliance and General Counsel, of the Conglomerate & Member of the management board - La Banque Postale
Daniel Kapffer
Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer - DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale
Hideo Kawafune
Chief Executive Officer, SMBC Bank International plc and Managing Executive Officer & Head of EMEA Division, SMBC Group & Chair, Supervisory Board, SMBC Bank EU AG - SMBC Bank EU AG
Kuba Kiwior
Regional Managing Director, Central Eastern Europe - Visa Europe
Marija Kolak
President - National Association of German Cooperative Banks (BVR)
Bastian Kortenhoff
Director, Corporate Listings Sales, UK Europe - Cboe Global Markets
Jerome Lachand
General Secretary - CCF Group
Linda-Eling Lee
Founding Director and Head of the MSCI Sustainability Institute - MSCI
Laurent Majchrzak
Group Head of Digital Assets - Caceis
Francis Malige
Managing Director, Financial Institutions - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Daniela Marilungo
Head of International Public Policy - Bank of America
Álvaro Martín Enríquez
Head of Data (CDAO) BBVA Spain - Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)
Pilar Martínez
Head Public Affairs EU and Latin America - SIX Group
Sylvie Matherat
Senior Advisor - Mazars
Thiebault Meyer
Director, Office of the CISO - Google Cloud
Cristina Mihai
Head of Regulatory Risk Management EMEA - Swiss Re
Kurt Moeller
Member of the Executive Board of Zurich Insurance Austria, Country Chief Underwriting Officer - Zurich Insurance Company
André Munkelt
Chief Executive Officer - Morgan Stanley Europe Group
John Murton
Senior Sustainability Advisor - Standard Chartered Bank
Tulsi Narayan
Senior Vice President, Security Solutions and Processing, APEMEA - Mastercard
Barbara Navarro
Head of Research, Public Policy and Institutional Relations - Santander
William Olgiati
Head of EU Payments Acceptance & Experience - Amazon EU Sarl
Juan Orti
Country Manager Spain, Vice President & General Manager Spain & Benelux International Card Services - American Express
Silvana Pacitti
Global Head of Products - Allianz Global Investors
Diana Paredes
Chief Executive Officer Co-founder - Suade Labs
Martin Parkes
Managing Director, member of BlackRock's Global Public Policy Group - BlackRock
Katharina Paust-Bokrezion
Head of Payments & Digital Policy, Government & Public Affairs Head of Payments & Digital Policy, Government & Public Affairs - Deutsche Bank AG
Ilse Peeters
Head of Government Relations and Public Affairs - Euroclear S.A.
Matthias Peter
Partner, Financial Services - KPMG
Corentine Poilvet-Clediere
Head of RepoClear and Collateral and Liquidity Management - London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)
Juan Poswick
Head of Recovery and Resolution - BNP Paribas
Ann Prendergast
Head of EMEA, Executive Vice President - State Street Global Advisors Europe Limited
Emily Prince
Group Head of Analytics - London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)
Nikhil Rathi
Chief Executive Officer - Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Vincent Remay
Advisor to the Chairman - Tradition
Mitch Reznick
Group Head of Fixed Income - Federated Hermes (UK) LLP
Marc Roberts
General Council - Raisin GmbH
Denis Rousset
Chief Risk Officer - Groupama
Krisztina S-Nagy
Partner, Risk Advisory, Hungary; Financial Services Industry ESG Leader - Deloitte
Riina Salpakari
Head of Public Affairs Finland - Nordea Bank Abp
Karolin Schriever
Executive Member of the Board - Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV)
Hidehiko Sogano
Director, Managing Executive Officer、Chief Sustainability Officer - Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
Bernhard Spalt
Chief Risk Officer - Commerzbank AG
Bjorn Storim
Chief Executive Officer - BNY Mellon’s European Bank
Julia Symon
Head of Research and Advocacy - Finance Watch
Giulio Terzariol
Chief Executive Officer-Insurance - Generali
Patrick Thomson
Chief Executive Officer, EMEA - J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Tarek Tranberg
Head of Government Relations, Europe - Optiver
Maria Tsani
Head of Financial Services Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs EMEA - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Sveinung Ueland
Attorney-at-Law, DNB Legal - DNB Bank ASA
Valérie Urbain
Chief Executive Officer - Euroclear S.A.
Marco Valli
Chief Economist - UniCredit S.p.A.
Richárd Végh
Chief Executive Officer - Budapest Stock Exchange
Mike Velthaak
Advisor to the Management Board - Rabobank
Andrew Vennekotter
Head of Security Regulatory Engagement, Europe - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Jukka Vesala
Head of Group Credit Risk Control - Nordea Bank AB
Fernando Vicario
Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America Europe DAC & Country Head, Ireland - Bank of America Europe DAC
Johanneke Weitjens
Global Supervision, Public & Regulatory Affairs - ING Group
Michael West
President - Moody's Investors Service
Valentino Wotton
Managing Director and General Manager of Institutional Trade Processing - The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC)
George Zolnai
Chief Executive Officer - Raiffeisen Bank Hungary
Other stakeholders & experts
Alexander Batchvarov
Managing Director and Head of International Structured Finance Research - Bank of America
Jean Jacques Bonnaud
Expert - Eurofi
Philippe Bordenave
Senior Executive Advisor to General Management and the Chair of the Board - BNP Paribas
Stéphane Boujnah
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Managing Board - Euronext
Jacques de Larosière
Aleksandra Maczynska
Executive Director - Better Finance
Agustin Reyna
Director General - The European Consumers’ Organisation (BEUC)
Martina Weimert
Chief Executive Officer - EPI Interim Company SE